The Lost Spy

“Andrew Meier has given us a book about the ideological delirium that possessed the planet… drawing us into a labyrinth peopled by ghosts and dreamers and carnivorous chameleons.” Martin Amis





2009. 03.17 - Pritzker Military Library  (Chicago)

2008.09.24 - New York Public Library (NYC).  Q&A with SAM TANENHAUS, Author, Whittaker Chambers & Editor, New York Times Book Review and The Week In Review.

2008.09.29 - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington DC)

2008.10.23 - International Spy Museum (Washington, DC)

2008.10.23 - Barnes & Noble (Reston, Va)

2008.12.03 - Museum of Jewish Heritage (NYC):  Q&A with NICHOLAS DAWIDOFF (Author of the best-selling The Catcher was a Spy and The Crowd Sounds Happy, among other works)


GalleryPhotographs and Documents

View the documents and photos that Andrew Meier found
during his literary investigation into Cy's life.

For half a century, the case of Isaiah Oggins, an American brutally murdered in 1947 on Stalin's orders, remained sealed in the secret files of the KGB and the FBI — a footnote buried in the rubble of the Cold War. In 1992, it surfaced briefly, when Boris Yeltsin handed over a dossier to the White House. But the real story of what happened to “Cy” Oggins, one of the first Americans to spy for the Soviet Union, remained an elusive mystery, even to his own family. Until now.More

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For more information on The Lost Spy or to contact the author:

Rachel Salzman
Asst. Director of Publicity
W. W. Norton & Co